Installation My Sql in Azure

Hello everyone.

I am using Kanboard with great success for many years, throughout softaculous, in shared hosting.

Now I’m trying to create a brand new installation, this time I would like to go a little further, uploading the code in the same shared hosting, but now, using Azure for my sql db.

I wonder if you guys can help with some kind of procedure, or step-by-step help, and be able to keep using this fantastic tool.

I’m very sorry to bother you guys with this request, but I looked everywhere and I could not find any instructions. I’m open to all suggestions, maybe there is a better forum to place this request.

Thank you very much in advance!


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Hello guys!

I’d really appreciate any suggestions.
Thank you.

hello I dont know much about Azure, I’ve only used MySQL…

The main thing I learnt between migrating from shared to vps to another vps…

  • make sure the database dump backup is done and check it is readable
  • double check the database/tables correlation (that was where i messed up over the years somehow causing errors)
  • do the database migration before installing any plugins… then you know its only kanboard-issue if anything is wrong
  • pull up old tasks, comments, try to edit/save again…

in terms of procedure… how i would do it (not knowing about azure)

  • backup existing database
  • install FRESH kanboard onto new server
  • restore backup database into new database
  • configure new copy and double check the config file… good time to restore the old config which contains the database info
  • check if you can login/play around
  • all passed

Hello aljawaid thank you so much for your reply!

Actually, I’m creating an additional kanboard installation, the old one will remain as it is. Can you please help me with the procedure of creating the Kanboard DB in Mysql? Despite my DB will be located in Azure, it might result illustrating!

Thank you again!


ive never used azure. so kind of clueless, but you can run containers with it, from what i am reading.


  1. Study up on deploying a docker container in azure
    Deploying Docker containers on Azure | Docker Documentation

  2. Deploy a DB
    docker run --name some-mysql -p 3306:3306 -p 33060:33060 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -e MYSQL_DATABASE=kanboard -d mysql:latest


  1. Deploy KB container: Run Kanboard with Docker — Kanboard documentation
    docker run -d --name kanboard -p 80:80 -t kanboard/kanboard:v1.2.20

I use a few other ENV variables but thats up to you and how you are deploying.

  1. Shell into the KB container using a console, and modify the config.php to include DB info:
define('DB_DRIVER', 'mysql');                                                                                    
define('DB_USERNAME', 'root');                                                                                                                                                
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'my-secret-pw');                                                                                        
define('DB_HOSTNAME', 'YOUR_DB_URL');                                                                           
define('DB_NAME', 'kanboard');                                                                                    
define('DB_PORT', '3306');


  1. Restart your container and give it a few minutes to migrate. Then browse to KB and check the settings panel. You will see it is now using Mysql.


Note: I tried this with KB v1.2.24 and it would not migrate, 1.2.22 and below seemed fine. Personally, I’d use 1.2.20 or below.


creecros, thank you so much!

I have plenty to do, and I let everybody know how thigs are going. I have a subscription in Azure, so I hope to get their help also.

Thank you!!



I have two questions.


How, do assign define ‘YOUR_DB_URL’ in define (‘DB_HOSTNAME’, ‘YOUR_DB_URL’);


Let’s say I want to install kanboard in, how that is configured in this scenario? could you please specify that?

Thank you in advance! Once is done I will post some screen prints!

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i dont know what your db server is, only you can tell me.

figure out the ip and port and fill in the info.

it would look something like:
(‘DB_HOSTNAME’, ‘http:\\’);