Hi guys. I am very interested in this project and I’m still researching before to fully using it.
One of the potential requirements is that there should be a higher-level user type that would manage multiple instances of Kanboard, where different companies/tenants or admins will have their own projects and activity, but fully independent of each other.
All using one and the same Kanboard installation/DB/files.
From what I saw, this option doesn’t seem to exist.
Thanks a lot for any details! 
I would see some implementation along the lines of:
- Database Schema Modification:
Add a tenant_id column to all tables that need to store tenant-specific data. This column will help segregate data for different tenants.
- User Management:
Modify the user management system to associate each user with a tenant_id.
- Data Filtering:
Ensure that all queries filter data based on the tenant_id of the logged-in user. This will prevent users from accessing data that belongs to other tenants.
I can not reproduce that problem with
My Configuration
- Application version: 1.2.36
- PHP version: 8.3.6
- PHP SAPI: fpm-fcgi
- HTTP Client: cURL
- OS version: Linux 5.4.0-181-generic
- Database driver: mysql
- Database version: 10.5.23-MariaDB-1:10.5.23+maria~ubu2004-log
- Plugins:
- Wiki 0.3.3a by Alfred
- Moon 1.4.6
- Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:117.0a) Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.53.18, Build 20240329110002
- Colud installation at All-inkl.com
- Please tell details of your installation.
- In which situation do you see the error message?
- Did you already check whether the reason for the problem is some bad interaction with other installed plugins?
Instead of tenants you can separate users into user-groups
With groups and the permission-system you can separate tenants and their data/projects.
It’s not completely segregated though. project owners could invite other groups at will.
For completely closed of tenants you’d need a reverse proxy and a way to load a different config.php with different database accesses per tenant - I’m not sure if that’s possible though - or multiple vhosts / docker containers.