search for dates greater than the current date

Hello, I need to look for tasks that have dates greater than the current date, how do I do this using the kanboard pattern

Well, that Help is not very useful because of missing examples. Ane also maybe because of wrong syntax
For me, for example

status:open due:<-152days

shows all tasks with due date “more than 152 days before today”

Function is equal to

status:open due:<-152day


status:open due:<-152 days

(with a blank left from ‘days’) excludes ALL tasks, no one stays visible!

status:open due:<-152day


status:open due:< -152days

with a blank left from ‘-’

status:open due:<-4months

shows expected tasks with not too old due dates,

status:open due:<-4 months

shows nothing.

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thanks guys for the answers