Automatic Actions/Event: Move a task to another swimlane

I would like to assign a task to a specific user when I move it to a specific swimlane. In Automatic Actions we do have the Event: “Move a task to another column”. I couldn’t find a corresponding action (native or plugin) for swimlanes. Did I miss something?

If no, as TaskAssignCategory does a similar thing, I could try to (re)write a plugin for that purpose.

No, you didn’t miss something.

This should do it (if you need help making a plugin, just let me know):


namespace Kanboard\Plugin\TaskAssignUserSwimlane\Action;

use Kanboard\Model\TaskModel;
use Kanboard\Action\Base;

class TaskAssignUserSwimlane extends Base
     * Get automatic action description
     * @access public
     * @return string
    public function getDescription()
        return t('Assign a user when the task is moved to a specific swimlane');

     * Get the list of compatible events
     * @access public
     * @return array
    public function getCompatibleEvents()
        return array(

     * Get the required parameter for the action (defined by the user)
     * @access public
     * @return array
    public function getActionRequiredParameters()
        return array(
            'swimlane_id' => t('Swimlane'),
            'user_id' => t('Assignee'),

     * Get the required parameter for the event
     * @access public
     * @return string[]
    public function getEventRequiredParameters()
        return array(
            'task' => array(

     * Execute the action (set the task assignee)
     * @access public
     * @param  array   $data   Event data dictionary
    public function doAction(array $data)
        $values = array(
            'id' => $data['task_id'],
            'owner_id' => $this->getParam('user_id'),

        return $this->taskModificationModel->update($values);

     * Check if the event data meet the action condition
     * @access public
     * @param  array   $data   Event data dictionary
     * @return bool
    public function hasRequiredCondition(array $data)
        return $data['task']['swimlane_id'] == $this->getParam('swimlane_id');

Thank you. So let me try this. Will let you know when I’m stuck…

Hi creecros, i tried your code replacing the TaskRename class on the example plugin by TaskAssignUserSwimlane , the examples comes from Git Hub,,

But i’m getting this error…
[critical] __MACOSX: Unable to load this plugin class: \Kanboard\Plugin\__MACOSX\Plugin

Any idea on what could be throwing this error when Kanboard try to load the plugin?

It’s working fine, i had just a typo whe create the structure directory below plugins dir.

Thank you!