Cron with docker installation

I am running Kanboard in docker using kanboard/kanboard:latest image. Do I need to set up cron job or it is handled by the docker image automatically?

Bump. I would like to know this as well

Similar question. I tested email notification for overdue tasks and received a mail. 9 AM is quite late. Any change to change this specifically for docker?

its already set up. its easy to change it for your needs.

initial file is found here:

its copied to the base folder, so you’ll find it in etc\crontabs\nginx once you’re in the container.

Perfect, that works fine!
I added the following into my docker-compose to make the file persist in case of container updates:

- /some_path/kanboard/crontabs:/etc/crontabs

I also tried to change the timezone in a way to also persist docker updates, ideally via docker-compose. Any hints?
Thanks and best

Tried and works if I add the command manually. Any hint how to integrate this for automatic built of the docker container?

Thanks and best

add the commands to the dockerfile, and make the timezone an ENV? its a lot of bs to deal with imo. just figure out the correct time to run cron in its current timezone. if 0 8 is 9am for you, well, it seems like you’re 1 hour ahead…