me neither, that’s why I’m seeking some help !!!
a similar issue was also reported on this board, as I mentioned in my first post, here : Problème de connexion (Tous les utilisateurs) - #3 by Kantime
The topic starts in French but @Kantime who encountered the bug too replied in English as follows :
I had the exact same problem lately with 1.2.12
The problem occurred after validating a dialogue box. It was like Kanboard is freezing, so i interrupted that action and the Database error occurred.
Some user have interrupted a saving command. It is an important bug in my opinion !
That should not occur at all !
I had to restore the last export of the database. So, i lost some recent data. It is not acceptable.
All i can recommend to you for now, is to make exports of the database every day at least until the problem is solved.
I believe the interruption of a saving command may have happened on our server too, and caused the bug. But since now the db is now “malformed”, I cannot empty the data from the “session” table, which I thought could maybe help ?