getBoard API call, only for "closed" tasks and "date_creation" within a certain range, help!

I’m running kanboard as a process manager for a lab, so I use API calls a lot. Everything works well so far, but I can’t seem to figure this one out: I need to get the closed tasks for last month, and for last year. I’m am making the calls from PHP using curl, so I can produce the beginning and end timestamps, no problem. But I don’t know how to insert the start and end timestamps into the getBoard API call. Is this at all possible?
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

Although I would like to filter the results through the API call, I was able to filter the response, like this:

(my curl kanboard api call here)

$responseData = json_decode($response, true);

if (isset($responseData['result'])) {
  	$columns = $responseData['result'][0]['columns'];

  	$tasksInColumns = [];

	foreach ($columns as $column) {
	      $columnName = $column['title'];
	      $openedTasks = array_filter($column['tasks'], function($task) {
	      	return 	$task['is_active'] == false &&
      				(int)$task['date_creation'] >= $TIMESTAMP_START && 
      				(int)$task['date_creation'] <= $TIMESTAMP_END;
        	$openedTasksCount = count($openedTasks);
	      $tasksInColumns[$columnName] = $openedTasksCount;

Still looking for a more elegant solution :slight_smile:

I’d let Kanboard do the job.
Use directly the searchTask-API.