How to call a controller's function from other part of plugin

Good afternoon!
Im not sure that its right place to ask this question here (quite possibly its question about object oriented programming, but i don’t know how to search information about this).

I have controller in my plugin, for example it calls “NewController”. It has a function inside - NewFunction().
How can i call NewFunction() from other parts of my plugin?
I tried to add string “use Kanboard\Plugin\MyPlugin\Controller\NewController as MyController” in header of file and call $this->myController->newFunction(), but it didnt works. Either $this->newController->newFunction() dont works too.

Your controller needs to be instantiated. Typically, controllers are invoked from within templates.

$this->url->href('FoobarController', 'doFooBar', array(
  'plugin' => 'FooBar', 
  'project_id' => $project['id'],