How to deactivate a user?

Hi, apparently I am unable to deactivate users which have left.
The documentation says there should be a link in the user menue (visible if I am administrator). However, I just don’t see it - and I am logged in as administrator.
Any hints?

Version: 1.2.18
PHP Version: 7.4.3
PHP SAPI: apache2handler
HTTP-Client: cURL
OS Version: Linux 5.4.0-113-generic

If I understood you correct you are unable to find the place where to deactivate?

For me that works as following

  1. Login as Admin / Owner
  2. ˋClick your Profile Avatar → Users Management ˊ
    » You see a list of users
  3. Click ‘▼’ left from User Icon of user you want to deactivate
    » You see a list of possible actions
  4. Click ‘x - Disable’ nearby bottom of list
  5. Answer ‘Yes’ to question “really?”
    » You see strikethrough for that user; done! User will no longer be able to login.
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Thank you, this did the trick. For some reason I did not realize I should click the downward triangle (item 3 of your list …)

Can you please tell me (a link) where in help you saw that paragraph which might be misleading?

Here it says “From the users menu, click on the link remove. This link is visible only if you are an administrator.”