I tried to update:
Application Version 1.2.20 Installed on 10 April 2023
PHP Version 7.4.33
PHP SAPI fpm-fcgi
HTTP Client cURL
Server OS Linux 5.4.0-155-generic
Database Driver mysql
Database Version 10.5.21-MariaDB-1:10.5.21+maria~ubu2004-log
Several Plugins: ApplicationBranding , Auto Email Extended Actions , AutomaticActionUX , Broadcast, Chat, Customizer, DueDate, MarkdownPlus, PasteImageToMarkdown, PluginManager, Self-Registration, SubtaskDescription, SynologyChat, Task2pdf, Wiki
Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:117.0a) Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.53.18
to 1.2.23
Installation: not often used, but seemed to work.
After Udate by replacing folders app, assets, libs, vendor it worked again, but looked as per Attachment 
After having terplaced new folders by old ones function and view were back.
Any ideas what to do?
Same with another installation updated from 1.2.28:
I wondered whether that might have to do with css problems? Did some additional research!
My result: Missing “app.min.css” in new installation.
I added “app.min.css” from 1.2.28 installation and everything worked fine.
Seems my Update Proceeding will need some improvement. I have been used to do:
- in KANBOARD installation Rename subfolder “app” to “_app”
- Upload subfolder “app” from unzipped new Version to KANOBARD Installation
- in KANBOARD installation Rename subfolder “assets” to “_assets”
- Upload subfolder “assets” from unzipped new Version to KANOBARD Installation
- in KANBOARD installation Rename subfolder “libs” to “_libs”
- Upload subfolder “libs” from unzipped new Version to KANOBARD Installation
If not working already
- in KANBOARD installation Rename subfolder “vendor” to “_vendor”
- Upload subfolder “vendor” from unzipped new Version to KANOBARD Installation
Before I switched to the bleeding edge (aka git clone and from there on just git pull) I usually extracted the newest version to another directory and simply copied the data_dir & plugin_dir. our config was in the data dir as well. worked fine so far until I started developing plugins myself and needed new core features/hooks for my plugins
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@Rainer Stop hassling with subfolders!
I always create a new directory, as described in the docs.
In detail:
- Extract the latest tarball/zip on the server. This creates a new directory, kanboard-1.2.32
- Copy the complete directory plugins to the new folder.
- Copy the complete directory data to the new folder.
- Copy the file config.php to the new folder.
- Change the web server’s document root to point to the new folder
Extra tasks:
- Copy debug.log if you have one, and check file .htaccess, if you modified it.
- Maybe you’ll have to check the cronjobs as well.
After successfully testing the upgraded version, you can remove the previous Kanboard folder.
Hi Alfred,
I’m doing /more or lesw what your recommend – I just used a different technique 
- some research for details.
The (only) problem was a missing file ““app.min.css” in the installaion set. In my Installation in “\assets\css”
This would also have caused problems with your way to do the update.
Do you have that file in you Installation(s)?
And any ideas what it might be for? Part of a Plugin or so?
This was changed with 1.2.29, I had to fix it in the Essential theme I’m using. See my patch.
With 1.2.29, the file app.min.css was replaced by the files auto.min.css, dark.min.css and light.min.css, to implement the new dark/light/auto theme switching. Kanboard handles this perfectly, but any theme/plugin that still refers to app.min.css has an issue, like my Essential above.
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