Hi all,
I install the plugin Group_assign without error but when I want to use it, I have a SQL error.
This error appears just after I have assigned a group to a project or a task.
Internal Error: SQL Error: SQLSTATE[22P02]: Invalid text representation: 7 ERREUR: syntaxe en entrée invalide pour l’entier : « » LINE 1: …group_has_users WHERE group_has_users.user_id IN (’’)) OR ta… ^
I tried to check my DB schema
Current version: 115
Last version: 115
I tried to update Group_Assign
Plugin up to date: Group_assign
My application is Kanboard 1.2.19
My server is on a Debian 9.13 Php 7.4
All leads are welcome
install the plugin from the master repository, should be v1.7.11 I think i fixed that issue last month, haven’t gotten around to updating the kanboard website.
previous closed issue:
opened 07:29AM - 04 Jan 21 UTC
closed 11:04PM - 05 May 21 UTC
I'm using your group_assign plugin for a while.
I upgraded kanboard to 1.2.… 18 and reinstalled Group_assign (1.7.9 before it was 1.5.0 ).
I can still assign a task to a group, but when I want to filter the project view to display taskes assigned to a group, I get the following error on the web interface :
`Internal Error: SQL Error: SQLSTATE[22P02]: Invalid text representation: 7 ERROR: invalid input syntax for type integer: "" LINE 1: ...group_has_users WHERE group_has_users.user_id IN ('')) OR ta... ^`
the debug trace :
[2021-01-04 08:28:02] [debug] SQL: SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments WHERE task_id=tasks.id) AS nb_comments, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM task_has_files WHERE task_id=tasks.id) AS nb_files, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM subtasks WHERE subtasks.task_id=tasks.id) AS nb_subtasks, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM subtasks WHERE subtasks.task_id=tasks.id AND status=2) AS nb_completed_subtasks, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM task_has_links WHERE task_has_links.task_id = tasks.id) AS nb_links, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM task_has_external_links WHERE task_has_external_links.task_id = tasks.id) AS nb_external_links, (SELECT DISTINCT 1 FROM task_has_links WHERE task_has_links.task_id = tasks.id AND task_has_links.link_id = 9) AS is_milestone, tasks.id, tasks.reference, tasks.title, tasks.description, tasks.date_creation, tasks.date_modification, tasks.date_completed, tasks.date_started, tasks.date_due, tasks.color_id, tasks.project_id, tasks.column_id, tasks.swimlane_id, tasks.owner_id, tasks.creator_id, tasks.position, tasks.is_active, tasks.score, tasks.category_id, tasks.priority, tasks.date_moved, tasks.recurrence_status, tasks.recurrence_trigger, tasks.recurrence_factor, tasks.recurrence_timeframe, tasks.recurrence_basedate, tasks.recurrence_parent, tasks.recurrence_child, tasks.time_estimated, tasks.time_spent, users.username AS assignee_username, users.name AS assignee_name, users.email AS assignee_email, users.avatar_path AS assignee_avatar_path, project_has_categories.name AS category_name, project_has_categories.description AS category_description, project_has_categories.color_id AS category_color_id, columns.title AS column_name, columns.position AS column_position, swimlanes.name AS swimlane_name, projects.name AS project_name, tasks.owner_ms, groups.name AS assigned_groupname FROM "tasks" LEFT JOIN "users" ON "users"."id"="tasks"."owner_id" LEFT JOIN "users" AS "uc" ON "uc"."id"="tasks"."creator_id" LEFT JOIN "project_has_categories" ON "project_has_categories"."id"="tasks"."category_id" LEFT JOIN "columns" ON "columns"."id"="tasks"."column_id" LEFT JOIN "swimlanes" ON "swimlanes"."id"="tasks"."swimlane_id" LEFT JOIN "groups" ON "groups"."id"="tasks"."owner_gp" LEFT JOIN "multiselect" ON "multiselect"."id"="tasks"."owner_ms" LEFT JOIN "projects" ON "projects"."id"="tasks"."project_id" WHERE tasks.is_active = ? AND (users.username ILIKE ? OR users.name ILIKE ? OR tasks.owner_gp IN (SELECT id FROM groups WHERE groups.name='get-plage.bioinfo') OR tasks.owner_gp IN (SELECT group_id FROM group_has_users WHERE group_has_users.user_id IN ('')) OR tasks.owner_ms IN (SELECT group_id FROM multiselect_has_users WHERE multiselect_has_users.user_id IN (''))) AND tasks.project_id = ? ORDER BY tasks.position ASC
[2021-01-04 08:28:02] [debug] SQL: SQLSTATE[22P02]: Invalid text representation: 7 ERROR: invalid input syntax for type integer: ""
LINE 1: ...group_has_users WHERE group_has_users.user_id IN ('')) OR ta...
any idea how to solve this error? and happy new year ;)
if that doesn’t solve it, make an issue on the repo.
Thx Creecros,
the version 1.7.11 solve the problem.
July 12, 2021, 12:16pm
Hello, could you put the direct link to download version 1.7.11 because on github I only see 1.7.9.
Thank you
I’ll try and take time today and make an official release and update the kanboard install files.
otherwise, it’s just the main repo
July 12, 2021, 1:06pm
on the main repository I can’t find it or I click in the wrong place
take a few mins, and re read what I previously said. I’m sure you will figure it out.
July 12, 2021, 1:09pm
I wouldn’t ask the question if I knew …
July 12, 2021, 1:15pm
you just have to get the last plugin.php file ?
good i will wait for a new deliverable.
no, you just have to download the master repo.
but not anymore, here is a new release file: