I cannot get Kanboard installed for the life of me. I have tried 4 different tutorials. I always start fresh with a new vm. Everything seems to run smoothly, but I always end up at apache2 default page.
I have flushed privileges, I have made sure my php version matches the one in the kanboard.conf. I have restarted mysql, php8.1-fpm, and nginx countless times.
I don’t know what else to do. Can someone please give me some guidance. What am I missing??
Sorry for the late response. I got tied up with other issues.
I do not see an httpd.conf in the apache2 conf directory. I do have an apache2.conf file that did not contain either “DocumentRoot” or “ServerRoot”
I was able to find “DocumentRoot” in the “000-default.conf” file located at “/etc/apache2/sites-enabled”. It was listed as:
You have to make sure that your apache config points to the directory which contains your Kanboard installation. That config should listen on port 80/443:
e. g. Installation is in “/var/www./html” apache points to it then your http:// should work.
I think your config points to a directory which contains only the apache server defautl html file. That’s why you see that file in your browser.
Thanks for the help. I ended up using a docker install that worked seamlessly on the first attempt. I do truly appreciate you trying to get me situated though. This was very frustrating for me. When I have time, I may try again on another VM, for my own sanity.