Someone had this idea, I think @FxFx, but I’m being proactive.
Here is an unofficial discord channel:
Might reduce some of the long threads on the forum for simple questions, collaboration, etc…
Someone had this idea, I think @FxFx, but I’m being proactive.
Here is an unofficial discord channel:
Might reduce some of the long threads on the forum for simple questions, collaboration, etc…
Maybe. OTOH communication is spread over multiple channels, what I consider as bad practice. I prefer to stay here. I’m on IRC as well, but nobody cares in the #kanbord channel there, unfortunately.
That GitHub discussions steal some communication threads from this forum is also bad, but, what should I say, it’s GitHub…
its there for whoever wants it
im generally on discord, so its not 1 extra thing for me.
the invitationlink is invalid by now
its only good for 6 days:
Why not create a perm invite link? Invites that expires are quite useless if you intend to create a server for the community.
Did not know that i could
please create a permanent invite link.
Is group still active?
Hi and welcome to the forum!
No clue. I was there after the invite, for app. 5 minutes. I didn’t like it.
Permanent link