Broadcast plugin is listed on plugins.htm, but does not appear in KANOBARD installation Plugin Directory https://my.kanboard.installation/?controller=PluginController&action=directory
Any Ideas? I don’t know how that Plugins Directory is created by KANBOARD
I have not yet checked whether also other plugins are affected.
Of course, I know!
It works fine, so IMHO it should be listed. If somebody does not know, that such a plugin does not exist, he will not search …
Any tried-and-true way to keep alive such plugins?
I did a fork here! Mainly to try how that works.
de_DE and es_ES work fine in
(I now finally replaced “Convocatoria” by “Avisio” in es_ES)
May be you can do a review before I create a Release? I only added 2 Locale and modified Version Number in Plugin.php
BTW, there seem to be serious differences between Plugin List in KANBOARD installation an List on Website I started to compare both lists and will show suggestions for unification after weekend.