I’ve noticed it’s difficult to have a good task overview of each person of all projects. Therefore, I’m looking for a (paid) developer who’s willing to create a plugin/update that allows users to re-arrange the board view.
Normally each column separate tickets in states (to-do etc.) per swim lane. In my proposal each column displays all the tickets per user.
Project board dropdown
Currently it’s only possible to view one project at a time (excluding BigBoard). I would like to see an dropdown option added named “All projects”. Which displays all the tickets of every project per user. In this specific view, swimlanes shouldn’t be displayed.
Filter and URL
Best would be to take advantage of the groups options in Kanboard to activate the view. E.g.: status:open group: “[group name]”. Or add the group name/ID to the URL.
In order to make this board view work, tickets should display two extra values:
Project name: The project where the ticket has been assigned to.
Column name: The name of the column where tickets originally has been subdivided to (e.g. to-do, work in progress etc.).
Default task view: The basic information that each ticket normally provides.
Sorting columns
In the user overview columns should have more specific sorting options, including:
Hide this column: Hides the user column
Create tasks in bulk: Creating tasks for the specific user of the column. Assignee in the pop-up should be pre-selected(?).
None of those sound hard, except the multiple projects on one board. Only feasible way I can think of, without putting too much thought into it, would be to force people to use same columns for all projects. Would be a lot more to it, though.
Also, not sure what you mean by taking advantage of groups. groups:[group name], what’s this accomplish? Tasks assigned to group? That’s not a feature of kanboard.
Thanks for your reply. We are using the same column names for each project in kanboard (backlog, todo, sprint, in progress, to verify, done). That shouldn’t be a problem.
But as you said, It’s not a solid solution. I think that it would be best to create a script that matches the ID’S of column names with default column names.
In this case I picked a column with ID 127 (ToDo). In order to have it displayed as filter in ‘All projects’ it should be linked to a primary column (name), in this example “ToDo”. Only used for sorting the person tasks (as in my prototype).
It doesn’t matter if the column name with ID 127 would be “Todo My project”. It will be found via the sorting option ToDo. A specific task will display the column name as used in a project, in this case ID 127: “Todo My project” for [Column name].
The use of groups is something Kanboard does offer. If you go in the main view to the upper right menu and click ‘Groups management’ you can create user groups. These can be used to directly add multiple people to a project (under permissions).
I want to extend to use of this feature. In my prototype I use it as a filter: groups:[group name]. All the tasks of each person in the group will be separately displayed per column on the board. So if the group contains 8 people, there will be 8 columns. Where each column is showing the specific tasks bound to a person.
Are you a developer or do you know someone willing to build this? Let me know what you think
I meant that the use of assigning tasks to groups is not a kanboard feature. However, there is an extension that adds support. https://github.com/creecros/Group_assign
It may help you do what you want.
Not sure I’d define myself as a developer, but others do, my plugins are out there for you to see what I am capable of.
I’ve added the plugin and it’s partly answering what I’m looking for. So that’s a good start. But I still need the overview of tasks per user per column. Are you willing to give it a try?