Create a task automatically

I keep trying to reply to KB emails, and then getting told later that it couldn’t be delivered. So I have to repost in the group instead…

Well, I just assumed it was a timed-out. I would go in the console, type something, type some more things, and it would work. Then, I would switch to another browser tab to check something, literally a few seconds to a minute, and I would come back, and the console would be dead/frozen. That didn’t happen
only once, but almost every time I switched to another tab. It was still there, but didn’t react anymore to anything. Maybe that’s not a timeout, but some issue with focus or something, idk. Or maybe it’s sensitive to unreliable internet connections; atm it’s nearly impossible for me to watch Twitch or YouTube without it freezing every minute or so. In all case, I have to refresh the page every time, and reconnect, and lost what I was just doing. That is why I wanted “screen”, and screen wants a “tty”.

Must be your internet, I wrote over a thousand lines last night back and forth in the console for hours and it never timed out. I was actually very pleased.

I don’t know what you mean by “screen”, the KB container, is tty though.

What are you doing in the console? You’re not trying to write code are you? That’s why I gave you the filebrowser container, the code editor is fairly nice.

Hi. “screen” is the answer to “How do I run (over SSH) this interactive command, that runs for 48 hours, when I have to close the connection in 1 hour?” It’s a standard Linux tool, that grabs the TTY, and allows you to get a “persistent” SSH session, even if you disconnect. Loved by sysadmins, but now replaced by tmux (I haven’t learned the tmux key binding). With the TTY enabled, screen still does not work, but now tmux does, so I’ll be fine. It does seem to be more stable today anyway.

What I am doing at the console, is grepping the debug.log, since, when I first tried your container, the only thing that “logs” of portainer showed, was that error message about “fileinfo”. Also, the “files” thingy only gives me access to the plugin, so I could not look at the logfile with it, because it’s in the data volume (or if that is possible, I haven’t figured out how to access it).

Unfortunately, I’m still stuck with the problem that my plugin creates no output.

I can use the web-hook to fire the cronjob. And I would see output in my debug.log, but nothing about my action. The portainer logs view works now, but only shows that cron jobs are regularly called, but not output from those jobs.

So, basically, I’m at the same point I was when I was trying it on my own container; no debug output for my action. You said when you tried my plugin in your container, it worked, so how come do I not see output when it runs in the container you created for me?

FYI, that is how I check:

cd /var/www/app/data
tail -f debug.log | egrep -i “(cron|daily|weekly)”

The answer to your question is, you never actually setup the Action…I just did it for you.

and yes you could add data folder: I added it for you.

or change your config to send the debugs to stderr or system logs, and not a file.

So, the reason it was working for you all along, and not for me, is that you did not only install the plugin, which I thought was all I had to do, but also had to somewhere somehow also explicitly configure the action, but did not mention that until now (presumably, because you thought it was obvious)? So, if I (worked out how to) setup the action on my container too, it might trigger in my own container too? I can’t try now, because it’s 22:30 and I’m working tomorrow, but I’ll try it on Friday.

Yes, I did in fact, think it was obvious.
Don’t be offended by the presumption.

Automatic actions must be configured for each project.

You went to plugin development and skipped the user guide :slight_smile: :


I’ve configured the action in my own container, and now I’m getting output of my plugin when I trigger the webhook. :relieved:

I’m not offended; starting with something new is usually hard (especially, if you try to skip some steps :smiley: ).

Now, the fun part starts; trying to get it to work. I’m glad you kept with me.
Can I buy you a beer or something?

I’m down for a cold brew!

Are you done with these containers? I’ll whack them if you don’t need anymore.

I made quite some progress in about two hours. It’s almost working; after duplicating the tasks, I update the due_date, and while the update call seems to work (return true), they don’t seem to have the updated due_date.

Anyway, I’m done with the container you created for me. Many thanks again!

Oh my, picked up some tady ports with that! Gracias.

Hit me up if you hit a road block.