Customised login page

I have been looking for some time and cannot find how to modify the home page to customise it. Does anybody know which files to modify to add some more information of the login / home page?

What are you looking to do?

If it’s aesthetics, Customizer plugin should do what you need.

if that doesn’t do it for you…you could hook to:

Hook Description
template:auth:login-form:before Login page (top)
template:auth:login-form:after Login page (bottom)

and if that doesn’t do it for you, you could either override or directly edit:

and you could also add your own, or edit the css

Thank you for your reply. Your plugin partially answered my question, but I would also like to add a paragraph of introductory text. I thought that adding it in the Template/auth/index.php, above the would work, but it seems it does not.

If you’re using that plugin, then correct, you can’t simply add it to that template, within you’re kanboard folder, because that plug in has overriden it, with:
So, you would need to edit that template instead.

Thank you for your help, I’ve managed to do what I wanted.