Disable captcha


Does anyone know how to disable cpatch? so that I can log in without having to enter the code from the image?

I haven’t seen any captcha, so I assume it comes from a plugin?

i remeber having to do it once, ill try and remember.

here are the constants:

// Enable captcha after 3 authentication failure

// Lock the account after 6 authentication failure

// Lock account duration in minute

just redefine them in the config.php

and the user table has a lock_expiration_date and nb_failed_login column, if you need to reset them.

i’d say set BRUTEFORCE_CAPTCHA to some really high number would be about the same as disabling it.

change the hasCaptcha function to return false; and just hard code it.


So, this comes up after too many failed login attempts, I assume. Didn’t know that. Thanks.

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This is a bit of an aside, but if you’re an administrator, you should be able to go to User Management in the kanboard webapp and see “Number of failed login: X” in the Security section of of the Summary page for any user. If that number X is > 0, I believe there will be a link to click to reset it. I can’t verify that without logging out and failing to log back in a bunch of times, which I don’t want to do! But I recall doing this before to get rid of the captcha.

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