Find out Invited users


how can I find out whether I already have invited someone to a particular Kanboard Installation via User Management?



Hi Rainer, welcome back!

I think you’d have to query the db something like:

SELECT * FROM invites WHERE project_id = 4711 AND email = '<questionable user>';

Wild guess, as I never invited someone. :wink:

Hi Alfred,

thx, based on your hint I did something more simple_

  1. Opened Database at my provider in Browser
  2. Searched for “invite”
    » Found Table “invites”
  3. selected Tabel “invites”
    » Found lots of E-Mail-Addresses. Most of them no users, so probably they did not follow my invitation. Some already users, because I did a “compulsory obligation”. And nearby none of the KANBOARD users in the table. The some users listed probably because of “C.O.”!

So my interest beehind my question here has a solution. I found the person which should be member of the project 3 times in the table, so I expect he has already be invited – more than 1 time. So again: "compulsory obligation!

Thx fo help,
