(fixed) Getting Kb work with SSL on AWS EC2 Linux

Hello, I am not new to Kanboard as I have been using it for several years, but I am trying to get it work on an AWS EC2 instance with SSL, using the Docker image (I am pretty new to Docker)

Note that my security group for the EC2 has its inbound 443 port opened
I am starting the Docker image from the repository:
“docker run -d --name kanboard -p 80:80 -t kanboard/kanboard:latest”

When trying to connect without ssl, it’s working fine on http connection

I have generated the SSL cert and key with letsencrypt using the URL of my server xx.mydomain.org
I have copied the certificate and key to the proper directory within the container, in /etc/nginx/ssl
I have restarted the container

When I try to connect to my URL using port 443, I get an error “connection failed” from my browser.

Any idea of where this could come from?

Many thanks for your help!

Relying to myself… obviously my first run command was wrong using the 80 port, changing it for 443:443 is fixing my issue :slight_smile:

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