How to sum up all estimated times?

I would like to use kanboard to roughly plan tasks for upcoming months. The tasks have estimated work of mostly 1-3 days but sometimes even 10 days.
So, if I create the tasks, I set the estimated times. Then, as a second step, I would like to assign the tasks to users. Is there any means to see the sum of all estimated times for each user?

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I wouldn’t use that approach. Why? You’re using Kanban. It’s much better you collect your data (lead time, cycle time) and based on collected data you can estimate based on percentile technique.

Have a look at the Daniel Vacanti’s books to understand that approach. I do recommend.

Hi oalexandrino,
thank you for your answer. I think I will have a look on your recommendation.
However, the process I described is the process we currently have in our department to roughly estimate times for the developers. Reading the book won’t change that :wink: (at least not for the next few months).
The process to divide the work is currently very inefficient and having a simple sum for each developer on top of the page would greatly reduce that inefficiency - or have a sum on top of each column.

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I have your point. In fact, reading books will not change the status quo, but it will bring you knowledge about how to do it.

Changes are difficult, but they are no too hard if you apply them in few packages of changes.

Have a look at the data below. On x-axis you have the date that the work items were finished; y-axis there are the following information: how long (in days) the work items were finished at that specific date.

If you start gathering data, in little time you will have predictability in yours hands, which is what I mean. All of data was collected from Kanboard. Now, it is easy to state that any work item that gets in the board will be finished in about 20 days or less.

Green line implies 95% percentile of accuracy.

You can have this kind of insight if you get about 30 finished work items for a given team.
