Is there a DueRange search function?

I’m trying to implement a “Due during this quarter” feature. I’ve tried using the following:

status:open due:>2020-01-01 and due:<2020-04-01

status:open due:>2020-01-01 due:<2020-04-01

status:open dueRange:“2020-01-01…2020-04-01”

The top one only seems to function as an or, not an and. It doesn’t filter on a card’s due date at all. The bottom one is what I expected to exist after reading about createdRange and completedRange on Kanboard Advanced Search, but it seems like this one function doesn’t exist. Is there another way to search within a range of due dates?

Range is not a keyword parameter for search. This is the reason because it doesn’t work as you expect. created is a different keyword parameter from createdRange.
There is no way to search for due date range.