Minor Helpful Addition - a + button for subtasks

When I was using Kanban in Firefox, I used GreaseMonkey to add this little script:

// ==UserScript==
// @name     Kanboard Customisation
// @version  1
// @grant    none
// @include  /^https://your-kanboard-url-here-required-for-greasemonkey-only/.*$/
// @require  https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js 
// ==/UserScript==

$(document).ready(function (){
	<a class="js-modal-medium" href="${$('a:contains("Add a sub-task")').attr('href')}"><i class="fa fa-plus fa-fw js-modal-medium"></i></a>

Now that I run Kanban in a standalone instance with Nativefier, I included it in the scripts to inject, and the effect is the same.

I felt I needed it to (for me) remove the disconnect in the flow of the task-edit page in relation to adding subtasks. My eyes are on the subtasks area… now where is that Add Subtask button on the left (I can never find it when I want it).

This little script places a nice + icon to the right of the Subtasks expandable list, making dividing your tasks into subtasks fluid and unbroken.

I leave it here for you to absorb into the most excellent Kanboard, if you so wish to. Also, others may feel free to use it as a standalone script (as I have).

N.B. The mechanisms in the script only work with the English language page, but there’s probably a better way to do it than screen-scrape.