Modify dashboard

Each view has it’s own controller, so it depends on which view you are using. If all you see is 25, then you are going through the Dashboard controller to “My Projects”

There isn’t just 1 location to set the paginator limit. You have to account for all the possibilities.

To make the image a link, you need to wrap it with an <a> tag using the href attribute.

      The following image works as a link:<br>
      <a href="">
         <img alt="Qries" src=""
         width=150" height="70">

To do this, you will need to send the entire <img> code, as the $label to the link function in the UrlHelper via $this->url->link

for reference:

This is an example of how it is currently done with the project title as the $label:

So, in a nutshell, it should look something like this:

<?= $this->url->link('
    <span class="mynewclasstoroundthecorners">
        <img src="'<?= $this->url->href('FileViewerController', 'thumbnail', array('file_id' => $file['id'], 'project_id' => $project['id'])) ?>'" title="'<?= $this->text->e($file['name']) ?>'" alt="'<?= $this->text->e($file['name']) ?>'" width="100%">
    </span>', 'BoardViewController', 'show', array('project_id' => $project['id'])) ?>

my apostrophes/quotes may not be correct, but you get the idea, i hope