Hello, I am wandering if there is a way to remove some of the default fields when creating a task project-wide. I have metaMagik installed and is able to add some new custom fields to the card project-wide, but since the project I want to manage is not really time-critical and we don’t want estimation on time etc.
Thanks yes I had a look and might just start by commenting out some lines of code in the templates. If OP is still interested I can share the solution - let me know.
Two questions - I doing seem to be able to use comments like /* some lines of KB code /. Instead “/” is displaying on UI. Any reason this is not working?
Also, which template contains the display of the tasks in the board? I’ve removed the time estimate, start and finish etc inputs from task creation but still have time related components showing on task cards. Thanks!
because a template is technically html, use<! -- -->
there should be 2 templates, one for creation and one for modification. edit: but your asking about the task container in the board. probably in the task footer.