we are a small company and we just install our own kanboard server to manage our production of electronics board. We interested of purpose to our client a view of kanboard, so they can follow their order in live. I try to develop a plugin that limit task that a user can see in term of tag. But I can’t find a solution to do that.
I’m a newbie in PHP (I’m an embedded system dev). Do you think it’s possible to develop this feature? And Could you give and advice or a way to achieve it.
i am not sure if you noticed it, but there is a feature called something like “Public Access”. It allows everybody with a certain link to see the board + issues, but only with view rights (no changes possible). You can find it under Project => Project settings => Public Access. Sorry if the naming is different in English, i am using the German version. Does this help?
I try this functionality, but it isn’t what we really need, Because we can’t hide task in function of people.
We want for some user they can’t view all task but only some one with a specific tag or category.
Do you think it’s possible ?
This could eventually get messy depending on the amount of clients but you could make a different board/project for each client that way they would only have access to stuff on their related board.
off the top of my head though, i don’t think it would be that difficult to build.
there is a plugin, that allows you to assign groups to tasks. you could build from that code, and then conditionally hide tasks to project viewers that are not in an assigned group for the task.