Set expiration date for "Invite people" link

It would be great if the invite link for new user invites can get an expiration date. Otherwise users who did not register can still register after years.

It would be great to give an option how long the link(s) will be valid in hours. Default could be 72 hours.

If there is already a function, please add it to the user’s guide as well. At the moment there is not a single word about invitation.

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It would be great if there would be a complete invitation section with the following information:

  • Date of invitation
  • Invited by which user
  • Expiration date/time (editable) for token invalid
  • Option to make token invalid right away
  • Invited to which project(s) (multiple projects possible)
  • Email address the invite was sent to
  • Option to send a reminder invitation (without limitation)
  • History with dates of reminder invitations and triggered by which user
  • Information that user has/has not signed in yet
  • Option to suggest a username during invitation