Set task colour by time since the last modifiation

I want to use task colors to get an idea about modification activity on the tasks. I am thinking about

* modified or moved within the last 24 hours:     intensity of task color 100%
* modified or moved within the last three days:   intensity of task color 80%
* modified or moved within the last week:         intensity of task color 60%
* modified or moved within the last month:        intensity of task color 40%
* not modified or moved within 6 month:           set color to  <new color>

An automatic action to set color intensity based on advanced search functions like createdRange, updatedRange, modifiedRange, movedRange with due might be a way.
Is there already a way, to accomplish this or a similar thing?

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It’s a very fascinating idea. Unfortunately, I don’t see any solution, unless self programming.

If you find the time to code this yourself, let me know. Great idea!