Automatic Action Not Found Errors in debug.log

Being just a system admin rather than a KB user, I have noticed some repeating errors recorded in debug.log under kanboard/data folder:

[error] Kanboard\Core\Action\ActionManager::attach-events:
Automatic Action Not Found: KanboardActionTaskAssignSpecificUser

[error] Kanboard\Core\Action\ActionManager::attach-events:
Automatic Action Not Found: KanboardActionTaskEmail

Can anyone tell me what do they mean, and what recovery actions are needed?

Much appreciated.

it is suggesting that those actions, are not found. the error occurs because, aside from the obvious, someone has a project setup to use them. they are core actions, so there is no plausible reason for them to be missing.

Thanks Creecros,

I have done a fuzzy search in this forum but fail to get any hint on recovery actions. Is that some sort of plugins that has gone missing? I have also renamed the current
kanboard and unzip a new one in, the issues persist…

it’s not a plugin, they are core actions. I would start by confirming they are there.

they should exist in the Action folder of the app.

specifically these two actions:

if they exist…I would be confused. But, my next step would be to check each project, and remove their uses, then set them up again.

Morning Creecros,

4 -rw-r–r-- 1 root root 2161 Jun 22 2019 /var/www/html/kanboard/app/Action/TaskAssignSpecificUser.php
4 -rw-r–r-- 1 root root 2543 Jun 22 2019 /var/www/html/kanboard/app/Action/TaskEmail.php

I have compared them with the versions in your post.
There is no difference on TaskAssignSpecificUser.php, but some differences on
diff app/Action/TaskEmail.php /tmp/TaskEmail.php

    $subject = $this->getParam('subject');
    foreach ($data["task"] as $key => $value) {
        $placeholder = sprintf('{{%s}}', $key);
        $subject = str_replace($placeholder, $value, $subject);

< $this->getParam(‘subject’),


The systtem is still flagging these in debug.log this morning, roughly about once every 10 minutes:

[2021-04-19 08:20:02] [error] Kanboard\Core\Action\ActionManager::attachEvents: Automatic Action Not Found: KanboardActionTaskAssignSpecificUser
[2021-04-19 08:20:02] [error] Kanboard\Core\Action\ActionManager::attachEvents: Automatic Action Not Found: KanboardActionTaskEmail

Any further advice before I ask all users to check their use on these two apps?

Thanks again.

Not really, I am a bit confused to be honest. If they were missing, which you say they aren’t, I doubt seriously Kanboard would even run at all.