Avatars With Kanboard CSS


I’m using the KanboardCSS plugin and I wanted to know if it is possible to make the small avatar in a circle appear like in the default theme of Kanboard ?


Customizer offers customizable avatar sizes and shape, and I think KanboardCSS is compatible with Customizer.

Ok, thank you, i’m going to try this :slightly_smiling_face:

If found many interesting options but nothing about making the avatar show up on the tasks :man_shrugging:

Not sure I understand what you are looking for then. Can you make a visual?

Here :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes customizer has the option to adjust that avatar shape and size, if kanboard css is missing that avatar, then I’d say you should let the plugin author know.

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By searching a little more, I found this solution. Simply add this code into the custom CSS:
.task-board-avatars {
display: inline !important;
