Hello all, what’s the best way to translate a sentence containing a link?
This is a sentence with a [link] in the middle.
t('this is a sentence with a %s in the middle')
But how do I fit in the $this->url()
into the translation
Hello all, what’s the best way to translate a sentence containing a link?
This is a sentence with a [link] in the middle.
t('this is a sentence with a %s in the middle')
But how do I fit in the $this->url()
into the translation
Found the solution:
<?= e('this is the sentence with a %s in the middle', $this->url->link(t('link word'), 'xxController', 'action', ['plugin' => 'PluginName'], false, 'css-class', t('tooltip'), false, '')) ?>
What is e(), I thought it was t(). Typo?
T for word translations, E if you include links