How to define a new Subscriber?

I want to except some notifications from the Telegram flow (or general flow) and I need to define a new NotificationSubscriber but how it should view in the Plugin.php (like helper->register, template->setTemplateOverride etc.)? Are there other ways?

Do you mean $this->dispatcher->addSubscriber or ?

Yes, I think I need $this->dispatcher->addSubscriber, but what the syntax for register a new Subscriber and how to use it?

I’ve used it only in a “private” Plugin, but I could share some code snippets.


use Kanboard\Plugin\AzureDevOps\Subscriber\AzureSubscriber;
$subscriber = new AzureSubscriber($this->container);



namespace Kanboard\Plugin\AzureDevOps\Subscriber;

use Kanboard\Event\GenericEvent;
use Kanboard\Model\TaskModel;
use Kanboard\Subscriber\BaseSubscriber;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

class AzureSubscriber extends BaseSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return array(
            TaskModel::EVENT_CREATE => 'handleEvent',

    public function handleEvent(GenericEvent $event, $eventName)
        $task = $event['task'];

Thank you very much for a reference! But I have HTTP ERROR 500 when trying to enable my Subscriber in Plugin.php, I have the same syntax but probably something wrong. Could you watch it and let me know? Just I need to replace the main NotificationSubscriber.php to my


use Kanboard\Plugin\MyTheme\Subscriber\MyNotificationSubscriber;

$this->dispatcher->addSubscriber(new MyNotificationSubscriber($this->$container));



namespace Kanboard\Subscriber;
namespace Kanboard\Plugin\MyTheme\Subscriber;

use Kanboard\Event\GenericEvent;
use Kanboard\Model\TaskLinkModel;
use Kanboard\Model\TaskModel;
use Kanboard\Model\CommentModel;
use Kanboard\Model\SubtaskModel;
use Kanboard\Model\TaskFileModel;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

class MyNotificationSubscriber extends BaseSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(
TaskModel::EVENT_USER_MENTION => ‘handleEvent’,
TaskModel::EVENT_CREATE => ‘handleEvent’,
TaskModel::EVENT_UPDATE => ‘handleEvent’,
TaskModel::EVENT_CLOSE => ‘handleEvent’,
TaskModel::EVENT_OPEN => ‘handleEvent’,
//TaskModel::EVENT_MOVE_COLUMN => ‘handleEvent’,
//TaskModel::EVENT_MOVE_PROJECT => ‘handleEvent’,
//TaskModel::EVENT_MOVE_POSITION => ‘handleEvent’,
//TaskModel::EVENT_MOVE_SWIMLANE => ‘handleEvent’,
TaskModel::EVENT_ASSIGNEE_CHANGE => ‘handleEvent’,
SubtaskModel::EVENT_CREATE => ‘handleEvent’,
//SubtaskModel::EVENT_UPDATE => ‘handleEvent’,
//SubtaskModel::EVENT_DELETE => ‘handleEvent’,
//CommentModel::EVENT_CREATE => ‘handleEvent’,
//CommentModel::EVENT_UPDATE => ‘handleEvent’,
//CommentModel::EVENT_DELETE => ‘handleEvent’,
CommentModel::EVENT_USER_MENTION => ‘handleEvent’,
TaskFileModel::EVENT_CREATE => ‘handleEvent’,
//TaskFileModel::EVENT_DESTROY => ‘handleEvent’,
//TaskLinkModel::EVENT_CREATE_UPDATE => ‘handleEvent’,
//TaskLinkModel::EVENT_DELETE => ‘handleEvent’,

public function handleEvent(GenericEvent $event, $eventName)
    $this->logger->debug('Subscriber executed: ' . __METHOD__);
    $this->queueManager->push($this->notificationJob->withParams($event, $eventName));


Yes, I forgot to add

use Kanboard\Subscriber\BaseSubscriber;

to my subscriber
But it still not working, in debug file I have [critical] MyTheme: Identifier “” is not defined. :frowning:
Do you have workable notifications with this code?

I also tried to create a new plugin just for this function.

namespace Kanboard\Plugin\Test1;

use Kanboard\Core\Plugin\Base;
use Kanboard\Core\Translator;
use Kanboard\Plugin\Test1\Subscriber\MyNotificationSubscriber;

But when I turn on this code in Plugin.php I have disappear my test plugin from the list of installed plugins.

$this->dispatcher->addSubscriber(new MyNotificationSubscriber($this->$container));

May be the problem in my KB version (1.2.12)?

You only could have one namspace.

The problem still exists. Could you take a look at it, I have already tested it several times and I really don’t know where I might have problems?

Hi BlueTeck,

Please do not consider it rude and obsessive, but I really need help with it.
If anyone else can help me please take a look at the file. Or just let me know if my files work for your KB.