How to hide finished subtasks from the overview page?


Is it possible to hide the finished subtasks in the general boards overview page (/?controller=DashboardController&action=show)?

I tried the settings - > project -> (untick) Include closed tasks in the cumulative flow diagram without much success not sure where else i could take a look at.

Application version: 1.2.15
PHP version: 7.4.5
PHP SAPI: apache2handler
HTTP Client: cURL
OS version: Linux 5.7.0-1-amd64
Database driver: sqlite
Database version: 3.32.3


Dear team,

I would also like to create a DashboardController-View of the opened subtasks.

    public function subtasks()
        $user = $this->getUser();

        $this->response->html($this->helper->layout->dashboard('dashboard/subtasks', array(
            'title' => t('Subtasks overview for %s', $this->helper->user->getFullname($user)),
            'paginator' => $this->subtaskPagination->getDashboardPaginator($user['id']),
            'user' => $user,
            'nb_subtasks' => $this->subtaskModel->countByAssigneeAndTaskStatus($user['id']),

In the “dashboard/subtasks” view, if I filter on the “status:open”, it forwards me to the SearchController-View, which for me is less convenient.

How could I combine the two to add a “dashboard/subtasks” with opened-substasks only?

Thank you in advance for your help,
kind regards,

Anybody to help? I have been trying since 3 weeks already and do not come further…

I just tested it and it seems that it works if you override the Template\task_list\task_subtasks.php to this:

<?php if (! empty($task['subtasks'])): ?>
<div class="task-list-subtasks">
    <?php foreach ($task['subtasks'] as $subtask): ?>

        <?php if ($subtask['status'] != 2): ?>

        <div class="task-list-subtask">
            <span class="subtask-cell column-50">
                <?= $this->subtask->renderToggleStatus($task, $subtask, 'rows', isset($user_id) ? $user_id : 0) ?>
            <span class="subtask-cell column-20 subtask-assignee">
                <?php if (! empty($subtask['username'])): ?>
                    <?= $this->text->e($subtask['name'] ?: $subtask['username']) ?>
                <?php endif ?>
            <span class="subtask-cell subtask-time-tracking-cell">
                <?= $this->render('subtask/timer', array(
                    'task'    => $task,
                    'subtask' => $subtask,
                )) ?>

        <?php endif ?>

    <?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>

I am new to this system and to the plugin writing thing. So maybe my solution might not be the smartest one. (;

Edit: Oh, with override I of course would suggest writing a plugin, which would override this file!

this relates as well. Subtasks clutter the Dashboard

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