iCal data with duedate only

Have you really seen this in the ICS file?
Maybe OL starts stuttering…

No, but there is no VTIMEZONE component added to the calendar. It would be required for a proper validation. But this shouldn’t double an VEVENT components.

Please try this: Disable the TZ insertion by adding a line $vEvent->setUseTimezone(false); in file ICalFormatter.php.

diff --git a/Formatter/ICalFormatter.php b/Formatter/ICalFormatter.php
index 68ba9fe..5b358d5 100644
--- a/Formatter/ICalFormatter.php
+++ b/Formatter/ICalFormatter.php
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ class ICalFormatter extends TaskICalFormatter
             $end->setTimestamp($task[$endColumn] ?: time());
             $vEvent = $this->getTaskIcalEvent($task, 'task-#'.$task['id'].'-'.$startColumn.'-'.$endColumn);
+            $vEvent->setUseTimezone(false);

Then let OL fetch that modified calendar.

I had one or two installed, but i removed them. I can not say for sure if there are not still side effects because of former database changes of this plugins.

Yes, for sure. I download the ics file from the overview page of the board settings and open it with VSCode. It contains double entries. Absolut sure.

Outlook on my test / staging (sqlite) shows no double entries.

I will do that and respond. But i’am not sure if my guess that it may be TZ related is still the right direction.

Thanks for your help! :sweat_smile: :+1:

While thinking about possible scenarios for your issue: Please compare any doublet from your ICS file. Does the UID line match, means you have exactly the same UID twice in your ICS file?

Hi alfredb,


I’ve attached a flie which i cleared from personal data. I did it very, very carefully. Promise.

My view is:

Line 1-6 incl. and
Line 175 until EOF

are the correct parts of that file (or what i would expect to get). The part from
Line 7 to 174 incl.

is double / should not be there.

e. g.


is in the lower part of the file (and only there) and is correct.

whiel (e.g.)

is two times in the file. And the first occurence is wrong / double

Download Zip with ics file

Cheers, Fx

I think I got it! Means I could reproduce the dupes.

Make sure that the setting

$this->configModel->get('calendar_project_tasks', 'date_started');

is really on date_started. If it is set to date_due, you’ll get the issue.

I hope it’s really the same at your site.

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Great news!

Thanks for your help and investigating that issuse further.

I will test that as soon as possible. I hope tomorrow!

Cheers, Fx

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After further reading: is this a config.phpsetting? Or where have i to doublecheck this?

Cheers, Fx

It is AFAIK only modified by the calendar plugin. If you don’t have, fix it in the settings table of the DB.

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Hello @alfredb,

i changed the options in the settings table of the prod Kanboard installation to this new settings:

and finally: IT WORKS! :+1: :smiley:

Yes! All doubles are gone with this setting. Thank you very much for your time to investigate this extrem annoying issue! I suppose the existing settings came from one of my calendar plugin tests. This were the leftovers.

Cheers, Fx

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Are you still working with my ICalConfig?

Oh, yes! On all instances :smile:

Cheers, Fx

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I would like to suggest to do release it on Github and the official plugins list.

If i can help or assist (translation, documentation,…) just let me know.

Cheers, Fx

FYI, I just opened an issue at the upcoming ContentCleaner plugin from @aliawaid.