LDAP_USER_CREATION is true but create user as Manager

Hello Community,

i have a short question, is it possible that kanboard creats my automatic LDAP User as Manager ?

Currently, all new automatically created users are created as role “user” - it is possible that they are created as role “manager” .

// Allow automatic LDAP user creation
define(‘LDAP_USER_CREATION’, true);

Thank you for your answers

is there really nobody here who can help me?


Hello Creecros,

thank you very much.

i configured:
// Allow automatic LDAP user creation
define(‘LDAP_USER_CREATION’, true);

//Auto Manager

Unfortunately, my automatic LDAP user creation users are still created as “users”, not as “manager” do you have any ideas?

Users that where already added, before changing the setting?

If so, could you try adding a new user, and see what their role becomes?

also, ensure that you have restarted your server before adding a new user to test it.

hey creecros,
really thank you very much for your help.
I only tested that if a new User successfully is logs on on kanboard ( LDAP credentials) , the system is automatically creating the user,
but does not assume the role as manager, the user gets the role “user”

i restarted my server after changing the setting.

might be a bug? I haven’t used ldap in ages, so I’ve never actually tested. Hopefully someone else can confirm whether it works or not.