New Action Plugin: KanboardEmailHistory

A new plugin was finally created to resolve the issues of task histories for remote users.

Thanks to @creecros for the main part of explaining the code breakdown and the core functionality of this plugin.


just a thought of a potential issue… need feedback…

Currently, an email is sent to the task creator or assignee… thats not ALWAYS me… so whats the best way to get this plugin to send me (or another user/email) the end result of this plugin functions?

There is a project identifier and project email field in Kanboard but it’s not clear or mentioned anywhere how to use the fields.

These fields are optional properties of the project, can be used for anything.
But as a first step, you have to enforce e-mail addresses for your users.

yeah all my users have email addresses… and I assume the project email address is there for plugins I guess but how do we call it in a template/action?

I think the project email might solve my problem of when an automatic action like this one does something, do it but also send a copy to the project email address.

Get the project by some controller, then can extract the recipient address.
Or do I miss something?


models are the gateway to the DB.

use Kanboard\Model\ProjectModel

$project = $this->projectModel->getById($project_id);

now you can use $project['email'] to get the email of a project or $project['identifier'] for identifier

before using them, check that they are set first. if (isset($project['email']))

sorry i was on vacation.


Look out for v2 this week… big thanks to @creecros for making this work