Self-hosting Kanboard on MacOS Sonoma

Good afternoon,

i am having issues with setting up a Vhost hosting Kanboard

It is the first time i use shell, php and apache. I wanted to install ‘Kanboard’ on MacOS Sonomoa to use it for a personnal purpose. I want to be able to access it from a browser at the adress : “kanboard.local” without having to do anything in the terminal when starting my computer.

I was not able to connect to my virtual host.

I did the following :

Installed Homebrew with the .pkg from their site

Installed php with homebrew

Installed MySQL and SQLite with homebrew

Installed HTTPD/Apache with homebrew

Downloaded the Kanboard from GitHub and unzipped it

Then :

I went to the HTTPD configuration file (httpd.conf) and added a line to load the php module:

LoadModule php_module lib/httpd/modules/

I’ve checked which Directory has been declared, I’ve put : Require granted all on this directory ( …/var/www )

I added the line:

DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

on the advice of ChatGPT

In the declared directory, I created an ‘html’ folder in which I put the kanboard folder I had unzipped Then, I went to my hosts database (/etc/hosts) and added the line: kanboard.local

Finally, I went to the virtual hosts configuration file ( …/etc/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf) And I configured a virtual host like this:

Listen 8080
<VirtualHost *:8080>
DocumentRoot ‘/usr/local/var/www/html/kanboard’
ServerName kanboard.local
<Directory ‘/usr/local/var/www/html/kanboard’>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

EDIT : I added AddType application/x-httpd-php .php to the https.conf files, i checked config.default.php in Kanboard, it’s fine for MySQL, i did a copy of the file under config.php. I configured a “kanboard” database with mysql and it is correctly li lead to the config.php files

EDIT 2 I tried creating a info.php file in var/www/html/kanboard with an instruction to display smthg and by loading the webpage : kanboard.local/html/kanboard/info.php i get a blank page. If i try kanboard.local/info.php i get an URL not found

I started php then httpd, then restarted them. I checked the localhost:8080 page it works correctly. I can use this page to browse kanboard files but the application itself is not built at all. kanboard.local:8080 also works but redirects to localhost

Can you help me / do you have any idea what is missing or causing the problem?

Hey, great effort on jumping right in and trying to get things done! Since this is all so new, I would suggest a pivot and switch to Docker. Not being committed to a deployment path gives you an opportunity to try a couple alternatives.

Docker may seem intimidating at first, but it’s a strong tool and may help you here. Running all those services directly via brew will require maintenance and will always run unless you explicitly start and stop those services. Docker Desktop will give you a quick interface to spin up and down containers responsible for managing your application.

For Kanboard directions seem simple enough. A single command will do exactly what you expressed above. Minus the headaches.

docker run -d --name kanboard -p 8080:80 -t kanboard/kanboard:v1.2.8

I changed the command from the docs to map to the port mentioned in your post. If you want to access Kanboard by going to http://localhost/.

docker run -d --name kanboard -p 80:80 -t kanboard/kanboard:v1.2.8

I use docker compose and mount volumes to my file system. This allows direct access to Kanboard files if needed. With the command I provided, Docker will manage the data for you.

Requirements here are Docker must be installed for this to work. That’s all. Docker Desktop is easy as pie. Lastly, if you want to continue self-hosting applications, Docker can make it easier to manage these projects. Over time, they may bog down your laptop or interfere with each other if they require conflicting dependencies.