Theme Plugin: ThemeRevision

ThemeRevision is a clean and user-friendly Kanboard theme I made for my daily work with rich modern and practical features. I hope you enjoy it.

Main features:

  • Better mobile experiences
  • Common plugins’ compatibilities: Calendar / Gantt / Group_assign / MetaMagic / MarkdownPlus …
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Dark and light mode
  • Configurable color palettes
  • Google fonts
  • Switchable icon packages: Google Material and Font Awesome
  • Structured CSS files, customization friendly

great thanks for this theme !!!


I think this theme is awesome, in my opinion, it’s head and shoulders the best - Thanks so much. I don’t seem to be able to get it to work with the latest Kanboard, though - Is anyone else having trouble?

Would you mind giving some more details?

Hey alfred, thanks for replying - This is what the screen looks like - Anythoughts?

Enable the browser console and look for errors.

Thanks - I’ll give it a go!

I’m getting “Refused to apply style from ‘’ because its MIME type (‘text/html’) is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.”

I’ve googled and hit on adding Header set X-Content-Type-Options nosniff to my .htaccess - but that gives me a 500 error - Sorry, I’m sure this is a newbie question but if you know what I’ve got wrong I’d really appreciate it?

Maybe a hack until the ThemeRevision is fixed:

  • Make a COPY of the file /assets/css/auto.min.css, but name the copy

I assume this should solve your issue for now.

You Sir - Are AWESOME - It seems to be back working now; thank you SO MUCH!!!

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You’re welcome. Of course, it would be better to fix it in the ThemeRevision directly. I’ll take a look.

Brilliant, thanks - It’s a pretty great theme our team really missed it when we needed to swap to another in the interim. Thanks again for all this - very much appreciated !

The issue was already reported to the author. The faulty reference is in the file /Template/layout.php of the plugin. I think, you should fix it there, then you can revert the css-copy you already made.

diff --git a/Template/layout.php b/Template/layout.php
index 168d15a..24c4991 100644
--- a/Template/layout.php
+++ b/Template/layout.php
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
         <?= $this->asset->colorCss() ?>
         <?= $this->asset->css('assets/css/vendor.min.css') ?>
-        <?= $this->asset->css('assets/css/app.min.css') ?>
+        <?= $this->asset->css('assets/css/auto.min.css') ?>
         <?= $this->asset->css('assets/css/print.min.css', true, 'print') ?>
         <?= $this->asset->customCss() ?>

Please let me know if you need further assistance.

EDIT: Sorry, had to adjust a mistake.

Amazing! - Thanks again Alfred - I’ll give this one a burl on after hours.

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