Website-Issue: Errors in plugins.json

TaskButtonsReposition: dead link to

should be:

Differences between Plugins Web Page and plugins.json

I checked and created this comparison Table
plugins.josn should be updated?
And: I wonder whether some "plugins.json - reader as web page might be more useful than a separate web page?

I can do a plugins.json update this weekend.

I suggest you leave this to each developer… also I have a pending change to that file since 4 days and still not approved.

I see it from user’s POV: I need current complete information

And it’s not a good Idea to have different plugins listed on Web Page and in plugins.json

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I agree but you are comparing x-year old plugins and you need to remember that the links are also in the plugin file which also need updating. You want to update the html page which just LISTS the plugins for the public - they cant be installed. In the directory (for actual users of Kanboard where the accuracy is more important), the missing ones may not be installable, it could be a developer decision. But for your example, the homepage liink in the plugin file is wrong so unless you or the developer change that, once the plugin is installed, it will still have incorrect links. Good luck.

This was 14 days ago

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i did not see this ealier.

What about a take over / fork (disconnected fork) of such a plugin if it is abandoned? Including removeing from the plugins.json and adding the forked one. Credits to the orignal author and go.

Thats one of the plugins which i personally find very useful and i would not see it pass away.
Cheers, Fx

it’s not worth it… my range of plugins is just migrating hard-coded code which I needed for my kanboard so that I can upgrade. Sure, a few new ideas come out but there needs to be a balance on practicality.

Progression is slow, I say it in the nicest way, but even this post and the list that was made from it - not much has been mentioned since one month.

PluginManager gives a great insight into how old plugins are and how often they were updated. Forking a plugin assumes responsibility, and people have forked, then moved on, which is not good for Kanboard.

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