We discussed at some places here on discourse which plugins are more useful and which ones less, how to improve information about the plugins, answered questions concerning recommended plugins, and similar.
Info at the plugins download page is very “basic”, sometimes misleading, and also often outdated. Hipchat has become discontinued some years ago … And also on the github pages there mostly is no useful information except installation manual.
How can we improve information concerning Kanboard Plugins?
Improve information on the Download page
But currently it seems to bi impossible to add issues to GitHub Website repo? So it might be impossible to do so,
Or should we use any other existing KANBOARD infrastructure?
alfredb suggested discourse. Advantage: Does exist, no additional user account required. But does there exist some collaboration tool like a Wiki so that multiple users can work on a common text?
Well, it could be easy, but isn’t.
To be honest, I doubt whether it’s worth the effort. Please keep in mind, that many of the plugins are death, orphaned, completely unsupported. Of course, you or we could create a wiki or somewhere, devoted to that topic. Here I’ve to confess, that I made some terrible experiences with wikis and forums in the past. The amount of time for administration and moderation cannot be negated. Someone must be responsible for that publication, and keep it clean. Without that, it would be flooded with garbage eventually. Personally, I’m not very interested and don’t want to spend my time for such tasks.
Back to this forum: Why not creating a dedicated thread for each interesting plugin of interest? Every user could amend his experience or thoughts relating to that particular plugin. The OP of the thread could summarize the user amendments by editing the initial post. Just an idea, not so brilliant.
PS: I’ll be off for app two weeks. Thus, the follow-up might be postponed.
I think this is MY FAULT… I missed a comma when submitting both my plugins to the json file… I’ve submitted the fix, waiting for it to be merged. I think that should make your directory, mine and everybody else who may be having the issue workable again. I hope so anyway.
‘Last Updated’ would be a good indication of how often or recent the plugin was updated… but I dont think that information is available anywhere other than manual pull requests.
I can create a plugin to improve the installed plugins and their related information as best as possible? But that will only be good for existing users with Kanboard installed.
Whilst the words ‘maintenance mode’ are in the main repository, it is very discouraging to people to develop and code. A new release/updates are being done so the maintenance mode is just a put off. Also as a result, nobody would waste time trying to improve the public information simply because with a cold approach we dont know if we are allowed to make changes to the frontend website. Takes a lot of time to restyle/redesign to improve end user workflows and if the pull requests get declined then its not good.
That would be great. But as you said, efford/profit relation …
I haven’t a clue how many users might be intereested. But on the ogher hand, with better information, more users might be interested in using KANBOARD …
KanboardPluginsUX isnotvisible in my Plugins Directory, so I
downloaded .zip
Transferred folder “KanboardPluginsUX-master” to plugins folder of installation at all-inkl.com
Unfortunately the plugin will not be recognized by KANBOARD. I only get tons of debug messages like “[2022-10-30 18:15:26] [critical] KanboardPluginsUX-master: Unable to load this plugin class: \Kanboard\Plugin\KanboardPluginsUX-master\Plugin”
I only sent the link in the forum so you could monitor the progress… once it is ready, I will publish a release and then I submit to the KB Directory. Thats my routine.
For me, the term “maintenance mode” only means that there will be no active development for any enhancements or new features. Since my boarding to KB, there were at least 4 new versions, even in maintenance mode. And that’s fully OK, IMHO, KB is feature complete. Everything beyond that cam be done by plugins.