Wiki: Save / View Editions does not work

Problem: see above! No history with editations will be created /can be accessed.

My Configuration


  1. With installed Wiki Plugin create and save a small Wiki Page
  2. ˋReopen → dosome changes → save → Reopen → dosome changes → save → Reopen → dosome changes → save → Reopen → dosome changes → saveˊ
  3. On Wiki open your Page
  4. Click ‘View Editions’
    » Expected: History list with saved editions or similar
    Actual: Message “There are not editions to restore.” :disappointed_relieved:
  5. In Wiki settings change checkmark status → retry from (3)
    » Expected: Improvement, now wiki history with editions
    Actual: Still no History

Your results?

Additional info

a) Same with FF 103.0a1 (2022-06-04) (64-Bit) and Chromium Version 97.0.4692.71 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)
b) Same with Chromium 97.0.4692.71 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)

You’ll guess it – no problem here.

Does not work either with my fresh new KANBOARD installation. Wiki Plugin 0.3.0 installed from Plugins Directory.

This is very difficult, close to impossible to diagnose, without having access to your host. I mean not only the Kanboard, but also DB, code etc.

Currently it seems that I’m the only one in the worls affected by that problem, so I think this can wait. I will contact all-inkl whether I can get “your” database,we will see.

But according to my investigations, it’s not (only) the DB version. One of my test-instances also runs mysql, on a very ancient Linux version, but without any problem.

OS version: Linux 2.6.32-042stab145.3
Database driver: mysql
Database version: 5.7.23-0ubuntu0.16.04.1

I also think that it’s an unfortunate interplay of factors which causes the problem – I’m thinking about a solution for sandbox for debugging, results coming soon.