Wiki Plugin for Kanboard: Attachment handling


I have a problem with access to attachments for Wiki pages:

  1. Open Wiki in KANBOARD Environment
    » Wiki overview appears
  2. Open arbitrary Wiki page from Table
    » Test page with Content, Creator information and so on appears
  3. Click on “Attach Document” below wiki page contents
    Dokument anhängen
    » Attach document pate appears
  4. Drag & Drop an image.jpg from HDD files explorer to wiki attachment target area
    » File name appears in target area with additional waste basket and progress bar
  5. Click “Upload”
    » Progress bar runs 0%… 100%, “Success” message appears
  6. Click “Close window”
    » Dialog disappears

Where is the attachment, how can I access and use it? I can’t find …

Anybody here who can help me?



P.S.: My Configuration

I sibmitted an issue on github

The Wiki plugin stores the documents in the same manner as Kanboard itself does. All the Wiki attachments are stored under data/files/wikipages on the server.

The file details can be found in the DB, table wikipage_has_files.


I don’t have such a folder in my system:

This is because none of your wiki pages has any attachment. I just had a brief look into your board. It really doesn’t work on your system, don’t know why. BTW, I’m using SQLite.

I’d enable the Debug mode to track down the issue.

Also remove any other plugin for tests. Maybe one of your plugins breaks the wiki.

I added wiki plugin to a project without any other plugin; does not work either. No files folder, no way to access attachments via KANBOARD UI.

More tests tomorrow!

IMHO, you cannot configure like this. The installed wiki plugin is shared for all projects of your instance. Or did you mean, you created a test instance of Kanboard with only the wiki plugin?

My description was a little unclear. I tested a different project in a completely different KANBOARD installation:

im pretty sure lastlink hasnt touched that project for years. i think i have collab on that one, if something needs to be updated.

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Anything I can contribute foranalytics?

Did you enable the Debug mode as mentioned above?

Enabling PHP-Logging could also help.

Hi, I somehow missed that … I will try in the evening.

I already tried in a different test installation - did not work there, either.

I strongly assume that the root of your wiki issues lay in your hosting or its configuration.

Please don’t forget the PHP-Logging.

I activated Error log. Shows when I try to upload a file as an attachment:

[01-Sep-2022 19:16:15 Europe/Berlin] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Class 'Kanboard\Plugin\Wiki\Model\FileModel' not found in /www/htdocs/w0075f62/
Stack trace:
#0 /www/htdocs/w0075f62/ include()
#1 /www/htdocs/w0075f62/ Composer\Autoload\includeFile('/www/htdocs/w00...')
#2 [internal function]: Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass('Kanboard\\Plugin...')
#3 /www/htdocs/w0075f62/ spl_autoload_call('Kanboard\\Plugin...')
#4 /www/htdocs/w0075f62/ Kanboard\Core\Tool::Kanboard\Core\{closure}(Object(Pimple\Container))
#5 /www/htdocs/w0075f62/ Pimple\Container->offsetGet('wikiFile')
#6 /www/htdocs/w0075f62/ in /www/htdocs/w0075f62/ on line 11

The Auto-loading doesn’t work, there is something important missing.
How did you install the wiki plugin, from zip or from git?
Did you try to reinstall the plugin, preferably from archive/zip?

I always add Plugins so:

  1. Download latest release zip from Github (or whereever)
  2. Unzip on ma HDD
  3. Copy/Paste plugin folder from HDD to my KNABOARD plugins folder on All-Inkl server

I saw something strange: My installed Wiki plugin was Version 0.2.5
I deleted that Wiki folder on server and replaced it by 0.3.0, but that does not work, see different post coming soon.
I replaced 0.3.0 by 0.2.5, now I have my Wiki back. With all working and not working features.

This is IMHO somewhat weird. You don’t have any shell or ftp access?

I’ve enabled the installation via plugin directory. This is really great, especially if you frequently try plugins.

Seems I got a phone call in the middle of the sentence. Should have been "Copy/Paste plugin folder from HDD to my KNABOARD plugins folder on All-Inkl server using FileZilla.

In the Plugins Directory of my installation on All-Inkl I read “Ihre Kanboard Installation ist nicht dafür konfiguriert, Plugins mit dem Benutzerinterface zu installieren.” …