Hide/Archive old tags

Is there a way to hide or archive older tags?

We generate tags with release versioning names. Over time, we have a LOT of tags that show up in the drop-down. We would like to keep the tags as they are how we can search/filter for older version information.

We have the same issue. We want to be able to disable Tags. Not just edit och delete.
A disabled tag should not appear in the new task dialog.

See also https://github.com/kanboard/kanboard/issues/4406

stumbled accross your request when coming up with the same problem - see https://kanboard.discourse.group/t/taglist-plugin-possible-to-mark-global-tags-as-inactive-without-deleting/1288
Did you find any way to deal with this or has it just silently vanished?

No solution found, still an issue

(IMHO) This should be default behaviour for tags and categories. Currently it exists for users. You can remove a user, or just disable it.
A plugin may be developed to apply the same behaviour for tags and categories.