How can I hide assignees from the tasks?

The image in the kanboard’s website shows a screenshot where the task elements are absent of assignee names (and the assignee management button).

How could I have my Kanboard look like that?

i’d really appreciate a response. Even a “those images are outdated and not representative of kanboard” would be nice.

Hi, for me it’s difficult to understand your desire.

simply shows Assignees without selected Avatar image in their user Profile.
And what “assignee management button” are you talking about?

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I’ve found a workaround.

Using the plugin “BoardCustomizer”, under “My Profile” then “My display settings”, disable “Card: hide owner name”.

But I assume there’s a way to hide the assignee name that doesn’t involve plugins.

And about the button, it seems I was mistaken, so forget that.

I would simply say no.

Wait. You could try with a custom stylesheet, at Settings > Application settings.

span.task-board-assignee {
  visibility: hidden;

No warranty regarding any potential side effects.

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