Modify the max size of attached docment

I can attach a document.
But its size must not be larger than 2M.
My question is how to attache a document which size is larger than 2M?

NOT reproducible with

My Configuration

  • Application version: 1.2.36 , installed at hoster All-Inkl

  • PHP version: 8.3.6

  • PHP SAPI: fpm-fcgi

  • HTTP Client: cURL

  • OS version: Linux 5.4.0-181-generic

  • Database driver: mysql

  • Database version: 10.5.23-MariaDB-1:10.5.23+maria~ubu2004-log

  • Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:117.0a) Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.53.18, Build 20240329110002

  • Profile Language: English

  • Plugins:

    • Wiki 0.3.3a by Alfred
    • MarkdownPlus with modified MarkdownPlusHelper.php (by colonelpopcorn 2024-05-20)
    • Broadcast 1.0.1
    • Customizer 1.14.2
    • MarkdownPlus 1.1.4_Master240531
    • PasteImageToMarkdown 1.0.3
    • PluginManager 4.7.0
    • Self-Registration 1.0.8
    • SubtaskDescription 1.1.1
    • Task2pdf 1.8.0


  1. Create task
  2. ˋOpen Task from Pinboard → in Functions List at the leftˊ
  3. in Functions List at the left click Ë‹Attach a DocumentËŠ
    » Drag and Drop dialog opens
  4. ˋ Drag and drop a small file like KANBOARD Plugin “” (281.96k ) → Click [Upload files]ˊ
    » success message, works fine :+1:
  5. ˋDrag and drop a big file like " " (4.15MB) → Click [Upload files]ˊ
    » after several seconds of waiting after 100% progress bar success message, works fine :+1:

I capture a figure:

it is strange.
the message appears after Ë‹Drag and drop a big file like "

My Configuration:

Application version: 1.2.36
PHP version: 8.0.30
PHP SAPI: apache2handler
HTTP Client: cURL
OS version: Linux 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64
Database driver: sqlite
Database version: 3.7.17
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:127.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/127.0

Create task
ˋOpen Task from Pinboard → in Functions List at the leftˊ(Yes)
in Functions List at the left click Ë‹Attach a DocumentËŠ(Yes)
» Drag and Drop dialog opens(Yes)
ˋ Drag and drop a small file like KANBOARD Plugin “” (281.96k ) (Yes)→ Click Upload filesˊ
» success message, works fine :+1:(Yes)
ˋDrag and drop a big file like " " (4.15MB) (Yes)→Maximum allowed file size is 2MB & [Upload files] turns to be disable(gray) then can not Click [Upload files] (Bad) :roll_eyes:

I see that string “The maximum allowed file size is” in

  • …\app\Template\project_file\create.php
    • This seems to be a promising lead, all texts of the upload dialot can be found there. But I can’t tell from where the variable “%sB.” might get it’s value.
  • …\app\Templa te\task_file\create.php
    • Might be an even more promising lead, all texts of the upload dialot can be found there. And it’s Task related, not project related. But I can’t tell from where the variable "%sB."might get it’s value.
  • …\plugins\Wiki\Template\wiki_file\create.php
    • More or less the same for the wiki
  • …\plugins\Customizer\Template\file\upload_flavicon.php
    • More or less the same …
  • …\plugins\Customizer\Template\file\upload_loginlogo.php
    • More or less the same …
  • …\plugins\Customizer\Template\file\upload_logo.php
    • More or less the same …
  • And of course in lots of locale translation files

And everywhere that “%sB.” We will need an expert here.

This is a PHP setting upload_max_filesize that you or your provider has limited to 2 MB.

1 Like

Thank you for your reply.

I follow this clue. finally find out the resolution:

  1. find the php.ini (/etc/php.ini)
  2. modify three lines in php.ini:
  • max_execution_time = 300
  • post_max_size = 20M
  • upload_max_filesize = 20M
  1. restart httpd service

now I can upload large documents.
Thank you very much :+1: