nearly 3 years since a release… does it still work though I wonder… no issues, no comments in the repo. If this works then I dont really need to work on an update system to change the page layout
can’t imagine it wouldn’t, besides, i have collab.
I just installed UpdateManager on my kanboard install, and the first thing it did was suggest an update to a plugin I don’t have installed. I suspect there might be some issues.
Something I noticed in PluginManager just now. If I am on the “Plugin Directory” view, and enter some text in the filter textbox, the plugins are filtered accordingly. Good. But, if I press the “Enter” key at any time, I am teleported to my kanboard’s home page, the Dashboard view.
I kind of reflexively hit the enter key, even when it’s not necessary, because it’s a normal “submit” action for a textbox/filter. So, I end up constantly bouncing between Plugin Directory and Dashboard when I’m trying to filter the list. Not a huge problem and not a common occurrence, but figured I’d share.
can you be more descriptive? There is a reason things happen, but you provided no information as to why such a thing could possibly happen other than, it happened. I too installed it this morning just to test it out, and got no such suggestion. and it is safe to say whatever plugin it suggested to update, i dont have installed either, yet, no suggestion was made to me. so…in order to fix it, information is crucial.
Here’s what I recollect. I’m going to have to apologize that now I do have the Metadata plugin installed and I’m not able to reproduce this behavior. As part of tinkering with this prior to my last post, I noticed the Metadata Manager/metaMagik plugins and decided to install metaMagik, which required installing the Metadata plugin. I’m a bit loathe to rip them out again. So take this with a grain of salt–it’s possible it was a glitch or a me-only kind of problem or perhaps I missed Metadata in my list of installed plugins when I checked that. Hard to say. Anyway, in case it’s helpful:
I have Kanboard version 1.2.26 running on PHP 7.4.33. I’m using PluginManager 1.6.0. I’d never used UpdateManager before to the best of my knowledge.
From the Dashboard, I go to to the menu at the top right (my avatar)->Settings->Plugin Manager->Plugin Directory. I scroll down the list to UpdateNotifier (v1.4.3 is what I see), and click Install. I am brought to the Plugin Directory page again, and UpdateNotifier is now listed. There are no errors or warnings that I can see, so it looks like success.
I click my header icon, top left, to go back to the Dashboard. There is now a banner across the top of the page with the following text: “New update: Metadata vX.X.X”. It is a clickable link; when clicked, it brings me to the Plugin Directory and the list of all available Kanboard plugins.
I check but do not have the Metadata plugin installed.
Hmm, something is weird here. It looks like Metadata is auto-installed by these other plugins? I suddenly don’t have much confidence I even remember what I did. Anyway this is a bit of digression; if you want to talk about it more maybe we make a new thread so as to not hijack the PluginManager discussion.
Come again? Metadata Plugin is not a req. for metaMagik. I highly suggest you do not use both plugins, that’s bad.
Why? they are related. If perhaps for some reason, Aljawaid says “screw update notifier” and wants to build those algorithms into PluginManager, I can sense 2 things happening. 1. @creecros, “can help?” 2. I reuse the same code i already helped write the first time to detect updates in plugins.(yet, you are telling me its flawed.)
So, yes, it releates.
I’ve just run through this several times because I was irritated that I didn’t understand what was going on, and here are some observations:
- When you install “Metadata Manager”, the name “Metadata” shows up in your installed plugins–not “Metadata Manager” as I would expect
- While the Plugin Directory shows the version of “Metadata Manager” to be installed is, in fact when you click Install you are shown “Metadata” version is installed–one minor version lower
- Thus, UpdateNotifier immediately starts telling you that “Metadata” has an update to
- If you go back to the list of available plugins, you’re told “Metadata Manager” can be installed, not updated, even though it’s already installed and behind one minor version, and, again, the available version is
- For completeness, metaMagik has nothing to do with any of this
So I think something is wrong with PluginManager and/or the metadata of the “Metadata Manager” plugin (ironically).
I would say that the issue is because is a totally invalid version number. that compare will never work.
you can account for a lot of things, but when people make up there own versioning format, well…can’t help with that one.
I can sense 2 things happening. 1. @creecros, “can help?”
I dont mean to pester you, you just know more than me
its all good, i could say the same to you, we each have our strengths.
Can anyone clarify?
What is "remote_install": true,
from plugins.json
meant to do?
If I make it false, the plugin does not show in the available plugins directory (with or without PluginManager).
I always thought, if the plugin was set to false, then it would be listed but the install button would be a manual download button.
as you can see, false eliminates the plugin.
so then my question is, what is the point of it if it never gets listed anywhere?
its a parameter, that disallows remote installation. thats the point of it.
edit: however, having it listed in the json would be a good idea if you want people to be aware of any updates.
respect wowwww thank youuuuuu
how? if it doesn’t show up in the directory?