Notify all users in task or project

hello it can be realy usefull to notify all users in comment with a @all mention ? peer project
can be added ?


To be honest – I’m not sure whether I understand your desire.

  • Do you want to senda notification to all users in a project concerning a new comment?
  • Or what else?

And – did you already test plugin “Broadcast Message Plugin”?
A first little test looks promising

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for me first option will be great “Do you want to senda notification to all users in a project concerning a new comment”
when i use mattermost i can send a notification to all users in channel with a simple @all
no need to tip all users

the plugin is “archived” and its a global message not specific to comment or a task

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nobody ? nothing was interesting ?

I agree with you but I dont know how to make the plugin…

  • there should be an ‘all’ option when typing comments
  • there should be an option to specify the project global email address and all notifications for everything go to that email for the project.

yes it can be realy usefull
@creecros ?

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asking my opinion or how to do it?

you’d have to add an exception for @all, grab the project id, then get all the users in said project, and iterate through each performing the action.

it happens here in the core markdown file, after hitting parsedown.

it would be easier to commit updates to MarkdownPlus, it already is bypassing this file and using its own custom version.

i dont have an opinion one way or the other though.

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hello i didn’t have any coding skill but it can be cool to add it in core ?

its a decent amount of code to write, i generally do not make pull requests to core for a feature. It’s a lot of work for a “maybe” merge.

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