Plugin Directory Plugin Installation

Hello all,

So I sumbitted two plugins to the directory, both show up, but only one seems installable. Both show as installed but when trying to install it does everything fine, except when installed… in the directory… it still shows as ‘install’ option but in the INSTALLED list, it shows and works fine.

What have I done wrong for the installed detection of this plugin? I double-checked everything when pushing to the directory.

Is there maybe a naming mismatch:
EmailTaskHistory <> KanboardEmailHistory

I install ‘KanboardEmailHistory’, but in the installed plugin list it shows as ‘EmailTaskHistory’.

possibly, I’ve submitted an updated version for that… Let’s see if it works after the directory has been merged

Version 1.0 reports another name:

public function getPluginName()	
	return 'EmailTaskHistory'; 

After having changed that entry to
return 'KanboardEmailHistory'
at least changes Plugin Directory entry to “Up to date”

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But still no notification after having closed a task

Did you define an automatic action for this? If yes, it works.

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I have updated the readme in the repository for the usage instructions.

Yes, with that knowledge it’s easy and my repaired plugin works.

thx, CU
