"Task2PDF", "PublicLink" and "Send Task By Email" only intgrate pictures from external sources

definitely much improved. worthy of updating release.

I think ultimately I am wanting to replicate more of a grid like system, like KB itself

but for now this works

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do you know how to commit and push, so that you get credit for the code?

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ideal yes but not with any dompdf type software… its very difficult where i have come across it…

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i already committed to the branch, its cool… glad it worked to a decent level


Can’t await to have that in my installations


so for this portion, its important to note that a public link is just that, public. in order to display any images or files from kanboard, the user must have access, pretty much for anything inside kanboard. by using a public link, there is no user session.

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Updated task2pdf are doing very well for all pics attachehed and also those photo PITM plugin insert into comments

:joy:I just wanna a extra function that it can support Subtaskdescription plugin that can insert photo into subtaks descripition,rightnow it display as below:

Task2pdf doesnt need any more functions.

The plugin author can use my functions to make your dreams come true.

oh i remember this plugin

what i can do is add some hooks in the templates and explain to anyone what they need to do, if they ask.

Thanks for your quick reply, if you have time, pls kindly let me know how I could add those code.

I’m not a coder, but I think I might can make it with my C++ course experience 20 year ago:)

How can I make Task2pdf utilize my plugin?

1.) Utilize any hook that exists in the templates, to insert your own templates in desired locations.


2.) For image display using internal links you have 2 options.

Option 1: Pass html to printModel->preparePrint function, and then through markdownPlus. Must have plugin MarkdownPlus installed
$this->text->markdown($this->task->printModel->preparePrint($task['description']), isset($is_public) && $is_public)

Option 2: Prepend data:image/png;base64, to src in img tags, and base64_encode the image data
<img src="data:image/png;base64,<?= base64_encode(file_get_contents(FILES_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$image['path'])); ?>">