Can somebody help,
I found that plugin “Timetable” could do exactly what’s needed, but looks like it doesn’t work on last version. Is there some way to make the plugin work also with latest version of Kanboard?
I can’t find “timetable” on plugin directory, where did you get this plugin?
is it this one?
Yes I believe so. And we have installed the latest kanboard
The aim to install this plugin was to have better overview on resource availability over time…
Maybe the plugin is not what I’m looking for.
Hi there,
I’ve the same request. For the latest version of Kanboard I need compatible version of it. Finally I want to achieve that all times (Task Time Tracking / Subtask Time Tracking), as well in the Analytics (Lead and Cycle Time), are based on a defined working week and not 24h.
May there is a simple way to achieve that.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards